
Showing posts from February 23, 2020


“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'” – Eleanor Roosevelt When I began this program a year ago, I jumped in with both feet.   I had wanted this for a very long time, and it was almost as if I had been given a “do-over.”     All I knew was that life had recently thrown me several nasty curveballs, and I felt that going back to graduate school after 15 years was the best way to deal with them.   The thought of graduation, over a year away, seemed forever in the distance, and I had no real plans or ideas of where I was headed or what I wanted to do afterward.   Now, I am one term and one class away from graduation (ten weeks), and I am feeling more terrified than ever.   In essence, I am starting over mid-life and it scares me.   While I believe I finally determine...


"The best moments in my life don't make it to social media."  - Rosalynn Mejia A few weeks ago, I had a thought about something our professor said regarding safety and our blogs. However, due to the chaos in my life, I filed it into the back of my mind with the other thoughts I plan to get to later. But then, I thought about it again when I wrote one of my blog posts a few weeks ago. I wanted my son in a picture, but I didn’t want his face in the photo. Our professor told us at the beginning of the term to be mindful of what we post on our blogs. He reminded us that our blogs are public, and we don’t want to put too much personal information on them for the entire world to see. And I have tried to take that to heart, not even taking into consideration one “minor” detail…social media. This week, we read an article in The Atlantic , that illustrates the effects that parents’ social media posts have on their younger children, who are now starting to ...


“Perception is reality. If you are perceived to be something, you might as well be it because that's the truth in people's minds.”  - Steve Young   Many factors can influence people’s perception of a business or of another person.   And s ocial media has become extremely crucial in business today.   In fact, many companies operate strictly via social media only.   That being said, it’s vital to manage all social media accounts properly.   Proper management includes making sure to use the right platform at the right time.   Kathayat of Socialbakers interestingly points out, This is one of the biggest mistakes a large number of brands make. Many brands post the same content in the same formats with the same copy across all their social platforms. Each social platform is unique in many ways. Different social media channels have different strengths, features, marketing tools, and also diverse audiences with varying demographics, behaviors, an...

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