“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'” – Eleanor Roosevelt When I began this program a year ago, I jumped in with both feet. I had wanted this for a very long time, and it was almost as if I had been given a “do-over.” All I knew was that life had recently thrown me several nasty curveballs, and I felt that going back to graduate school after 15 years was the best way to deal with them. The thought of graduation, over a year away, seemed forever in the distance, and I had no real plans or ideas of where I was headed or what I wanted to do afterward. Now, I am one term and one class away from graduation (ten weeks), and I am feeling more terrified than ever. In essence, I am starting over mid-life and it scares me. While I believe I finally determine...
I remember being in middle school when MySpace was the new big thing and I watched as it quickly dissolved. I think this was due to the fact that the website became so cluttered. Though you had the opportunity to customize "your space" online, there were a ton of random ads and features that caused everything to run slowly. In adddition to that cyberbullying was on the rise causing the platform to do more harm than good wehn connecting the younger generation. Now having been a user of Facebook since 2010, Its interesting to see so many similar issues that MySpace experienced, yet many users still use Facebook religiously. This post is so relevant when it comes to the importance of transparency which was touched on in Morgan Spurlock's TEDtalk. Facebook has proven multiple times that as a company that they do not have the best interest in mind when it comes to their user's privacy, which is very disappointing for a company that thrives on communication. I completely agree with your thoughts on the contribution this social media platform has had on the separation of not just our country but the global impact that has occured. Users can share false information as well as use extremely offensive language to include threats on peoles lives. So why do we still subscribe? I believe it's because as humans in a digital age we now fear missing out. Though I'm not as active as I once was on the platform I still use it for the contacts I have made with family and friends that are not established on other platforms. Though I may take a break from my app during the next election, I don't think I'm entirely over the platform just yet.